How can CBD help improve our IMMUNITY?

Learn WHY CBD may offer hope in the Coronavirus Frenzy, and how to find the RIGHT PRODUCT if you want to try CBD!

In the Fear and Frenzy that is circling our world at the moment, there is a solid fighter helping our immune systems – CBD.  In order to truly benefit from CBD, it first helps to understand how it works in our bodies.

We’ve known for a few years now that CBD help relieve and help  with auto immune diseases such as Fibromyalgia, Lupus, and arthritis, so it only makes sense that it would help our immune systems.  What we don’t realize is that it helps all of our body systems.

Why My Clients Come Back?

Often, my clients realize what CBD has done for them after they stop taking it.  For those of us that are relatively healthy, and take CBD, it is sometimes not until we stop taking it when we discover all the benefits we were actually receiving and getting all along.   When I first started on the product I use now, I took a month off to see if I noticed a difference.   What I immediately noticed was my anxiety spiked.  My family noticed this as well, almost immediately.   My sleep became an issue again, I was  back to waking again during the night, and my joint pain was front and center, so I haven’t been off it since.  But this is what I hear over and over.  CBD doesn’t hit you over the head with amazing results instantly.  Patience and finding the right product are the key to success.

Please look at the image below to better understand CBD in our BODY and how to get a SAFE and EFFECTIVE product.

CBD helps our bodies with two RECEPTORS- CBD1 and CBD2.   CB1 receptors are found primarily in the nervous system, and also helps our Vascular system, and lungs, and muscles.  CB2 receptors helps all of our organs or body systems, and bones, and aids with inflammation.  Together these receptors work together to balance our IMMUNE SYSTEM, liver, and bone marrow and pancreas, and allow our bodies to balance more effectively.


  • Water soluble, and Organically sourced.
  • Full Spectrum
  • The benchmark of a quality product is whether it has a QR code and making sure that it is Hemp Authority Certified.
  • This is an industry that has had explosive growth the last couple of years!  Upwards of 40 percent of products that say they contain CBD actually do NOT contain CBD.  Do we get our prescriptions from the gas station?  Be smart about what product you invest in.
  •   Education is key in this industry.  Follow those guidelines, and you should be well on your way to maintaining your body and balancing it.  Keeping your body a “well oiled” (lol) machine, helps maintain balance and goes a long way in giving your body a healthy immune response.
  • It has been over a year since I have been using CBD for myself and in my Massage therapy practice, and with clients. The stories and life changing issues I have seen CBD help with personally are inspiring. Whether it was helping an autistic child, or an elderly client with pain, or helping a diabetic clients. One clients blood sugar numbers went down consistently 30 points after finally landing on the right product!
  • There are amazing ways CBD helps, immune support is just one of the benefits.   Also, give yourself a month or two on the product daily to have sustainable consistent results, especially if you have chronic issues.  We will get past and through the COVID-2019 Pandemic.

Feel free to message me or ask any questions at